Physical Review E – December 1994
Volume 50, Issue 6


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Subcritical-supercritical bifurcation crossover in directional solidification
D. Liu, L.M. Williams, and H.Z. Cummins
pp. R4286-R4289 [View Page Images or PDF (784 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Phase separation of binary fluids confined in a cylindrical pore: A molecular dynamics study
Zhengping Zhang and Amitabha Chakrabarti
pp. R4290-R4293 [View Page Images or PDF (731 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Measurement of the longitudinal asymmetry of a charged particle bunch from the coherent synchrotron or transition radiation spectrum
R. Lai, U. Happek, and A. J. Sievers
pp. R4294-R4297 [View Page Images or PDF (578 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Analysis of resonant structures of four-dimensional symplectic mappings, using normal forms
E. Todesco
pp. R4298-R4301 [View Page Images or PDF (681 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Analytic approach to the space-time kinetics of annihilation reactions
G. Abramson, A. Bru Espino, M. A. Rodriguez, and H. S. Wio
pp. 4319-4326 [View Page Images or PDF (1,243 kB)]
Dendrites and fronts in a model of dynamical rupture with damage
Didier Sornette and Christian Vanneste
pp. 4327-4345 [View Page Images or PDF (3,313 kB)]
Constant thermodynamic speed for minimizing entropy production in thermodynamic processes and simulated annealing
Bjarne Andresen and J. M. Gordon
pp. 4346-4351 [View Page Images or PDF (1,044 kB)]
Random fractals, phase transitions, and negative dimension spectra
Mogens H. Jensen, Giovanni Paladin, and Angelo Vulpiani
pp. 4352-4356 [View Page Images or PDF (688 kB)]
Conditions for the appearance of wave chaos in quantum singular systems with a pointlike scatterer
T. Shigehara
pp. 4357-4370 [View Page Images or PDF (2,545 kB)]
First-order phase transitions in the Montorsi-Rasetti model
K. Michielsen and H. De Raedt
pp. 4371-4379 [View Page Images or PDF (1,195 kB)]
Quantum kinetic theory of irreversible thermodynamics: Low-density gases
Byung Chan Eu and Kefei Mao
pp. 4380-4398 [View Page Images or PDF (2,980 kB)]
Complex unstable periodic orbits and their manifestation in classical and quantum dynamics
G. Contopoulos, S. C. Farantos, H. Papadaki, and C. Polymilis
pp. 4399-4403 [View Page Images or PDF (719 kB)]
Numerical study of a field theory for directed percolation
Ronald Dickman
pp. 4404-4409 [View Page Images or PDF (980 kB)]
Clusters in point distributions
J. Betancort-Rijo
pp. 4410-4417 [View Page Images or PDF (1,312 kB)]
Folding transition of the triangular lattice
P. Di Francesco and E. Guitter
pp. 4418-4426 [View Page Images or PDF (1,342 kB)]
Grazing bifurcations in impact oscillators
Wai Chin, Edward Ott, Helena E. Nusse, and Celso Grebogi
pp. 4427-4444 [View Page Images or PDF (3,018 kB)]
Dynamics of particle deposition on a disordered substrate. II. Far-from-equilibrium behavior
Yan-Chr Tsai and Yonathan Shapir
pp. 4445-4469 [View Page Images or PDF (2,441 kB)]
Avalanches in the weakly driven Frenkel-Kontorova model
Franz-Josef Elmer
pp. 4470-4487 [View Page Images or PDF (2,829 kB)]
Synchronization of chaotic systems: The effects of additive noise and drift in the dynamics of the driving
Reggie Brown, Nikolai F. Rulkov, and Nicholas B. Tufillaro
pp. 4488-4508 [View Page Images or PDF (3,254 kB)]
Braid analysis of a bouncing ball
Nicholas B. Tufillaro
pp. 4509-4522 [View Page Images or PDF (2,047 kB)]
Inhomogeneous random sequential adsorption on bipartite lattices
Mário J. de Oliveira and Tânia Tomé
pp. 4523-4527 [View Page Images or PDF (637 kB)]
Bose-Einstein condensation in a system of q-bosons
Mario Salerno
pp. 4528-4530 [View Page Images or PDF (530 kB)]
Automata network predator-prey model with pursuit and evasion
N. Boccara, O. Roblin, and M. Roger
pp. 4531-4541 [View Page Images or PDF (2,965 kB)]
Surface shape and local critical behavior: The percolation problem in two dimensions
Bertrand Berche, Jean-Marc Debierre, and Hans-Peter Eckle
pp. 4542-4550 [View Page Images or PDF (1,223 kB)]
Steady states of a column of shaken inelastic beads
B. Bernu, F. Delyon, and R. Mazighi
pp. 4551-4559 [View Page Images or PDF (1,377 kB)]
Numerical simulation of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
Matteo Beccaria and Giuseppe Curci
pp. 4560-4563 [View Page Images or PDF (530 kB)]
Jam phases in a two-dimensional cellular-automaton model of traffic flow
Shin-ichi Tadaki and Macoto Kikuchi
pp. 4564-4570 [View Page Images or PDF (1,405 kB)]
Correlation functions in chaotic systems from periodic orbits
Bruno Eckhardt and Siegfried Grossmann
pp. 4571-4576 [View Page Images or PDF (864 kB)]
Diffusion in lattice Lorentz gases with mixtures of point scatterers
L. Acedo and A. Santos
pp. 4577-4585 [View Page Images or PDF (1,099 kB)]

Kinetic and Transport Theory, Fluid Structure

Hydrodynamic behavior of lattice Boltzmann and lattice Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook models
O. Behrend, R. Harris, and P. B. Warren
pp. 4586-4595 [View Page Images or PDF (1,463 kB)]
Phonon gas: A lattice Boltzmann description
R. A. Guyer
pp. 4596-4608 [View Page Images or PDF (2,160 kB)]
Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation of free-molecule gas flows in complex geometries with application to Brownian motion of aggregate aerosols
Michael H. Peters
pp. 4609-4617 [View Page Images or PDF (1,434 kB)]
Dynamic dielectric response function of liquid water
S.-H. Kim, G. Vignale, and B. DeFacio
pp. 4618-4624 [View Page Images or PDF (979 kB)]
Theory of fluctuations in high electric fields
K. Morawetz
pp. 4625-4635 [View Page Images or PDF (1,588 kB)]
Diffusion of single particles in cellular media
Victor Pereyra, Andrey Milchev, and Victor Fleurov
pp. 4636-4645 [View Page Images or PDF (1,412 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Influence of the critical curvature on spiral initiation in an excitable medium
M. Gómez-Gesteira, J. L. del Castillo, M. E. Vázquez-Iglesias, V. Pérez-Muñuzuri, and V. Pérez-Villar
pp. 4646-4649 [View Page Images or PDF (709 kB)]
Tracer dispersion in planar multipole flows
J. Koplik, S. Redner, and E. J. Hinch
pp. 4650-4671 [View Page Images or PDF (4,114 kB)]
Equation of motion for interacting pulses
Shin-Ichiro Ei and Takao Ohta
pp. 4672-4678 [View Page Images or PDF (1,060 kB)]
Analogies between scaling in turbulence, field theory, and critical phenomena
Gregory Eyink and Nigel Goldenfeld
pp. 4679-4683 [View Page Images or PDF (810 kB)]
Anomalous scaling in fluid mechanics: The case of the passive scalar
Victor S. L’vov, Itamar Procaccia, and Adrienne L. Fairhall
pp. 4684-4704 [View Page Images or PDF (3,117 kB)]
Statistical mechanics of shell models for two-dimensional turbulence
E. Aurell, G. Boffetta, A. Crisanti, P. Frick, G. Paladin, and A. Vulpiani
pp. 4705-4715 [View Page Images or PDF (1,535 kB)]
Laser-pulse sputtering of aluminum: Vaporization, boiling, superheating, and gas-dynamic effects
Andrea Peterlongo, Antonio Miotello, and Roger Kelly
pp. 4716-4727 [View Page Images or PDF (1,695 kB)]
Modeling of one-dimensional weakly nonlinear waves that propagate in media with arbitrary dissipation and dispersion mechanisms
Ping-Wah Li
pp. 4728-4734 [View Page Images or PDF (1,016 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Linear electro-optic effect in a cholesteric liquid crystal
P. Rudquist, L. Komitov, and S. T. Lagerwall
pp. 4735-4743 [View Page Images or PDF (1,179 kB)]
Interfacial properties in lattice gases: A density functional approach
D. Reinel, W. Dieterich, and A. Majhofer
pp. 4744-4749 [View Page Images or PDF (898 kB)]
Integral equations for a fluid near a random substrate
W. Dong, E. Kierlik, and M. L. Rosinberg
pp. 4750-4753 [View Page Images or PDF (621 kB)]
Comparison of quasifree excess electron and positron states in simple molecular fluids: Methane and silane
Y. Frongillo, B. Plenkiewicz, J.-P. Jay-Gerin, and Ashok Jain
pp. 4754-4758 [View Page Images or PDF (809 kB)]
Percolation phenomenon and the study of conductivity, viscosity, and ultrasonic velocity in microemulsions
S. K. Mehta, R. K. Dewan, and Kiran Bala
pp. 4759-4762 [View Page Images or PDF (617 kB)]
Dielectric response of surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal cells
Yu. P. Panarin, Yu. P. Kalmykov, S. T. Mac Lughadha, H. Xu, and J. K. Vij
pp. 4763-4772 [View Page Images or PDF (1,353 kB)]
Pitch-induced transition of chiral nematic liquid crystals in submicrometer cylindrical cavities
R. J. Ondris-Crawford, M. Ambrožič, J. W. Doane, and S. Žumer
pp. 4773-4779 [View Page Images or PDF (1,057 kB)]
Specific heat dependence on orientational order at cylindrically confined liquid crystal phase transitions
Germano S. Iannacchione and Daniele Finotello
pp. 4780-4795 [View Page Images or PDF (2,799 kB)]
Dielectric relaxation and rotational viscosity of a ferroelectric liquid crystal mixture
T. Pal Majumder, M. Mitra, and S. K. Roy
pp. 4796-4800 [View Page Images or PDF (779 kB)]
Density functional theory of crystal-fluid interfaces and surface melting
R. Ohnesorge, H. Löwen, and H. Wagner
pp. 4801-4809 [View Page Images or PDF (1,515 kB)]
Brownian dynamics of suspensions of rodlike particles
A. C. Brańka and D. M. Heyes
pp. 4810-4816 [View Page Images or PDF (1,101 kB)]
Ultrasonic spectroscopy in nonionic micellar solutions far from and near to Tc
G. D’Arrigo and A. Paparelli
pp. 4817-4826 [View Page Images or PDF (1,660 kB)]
Diffuse-transmission spectroscopy: A structural probe of opaque colloidal mixtures
P. D. Kaplan, A. D. Dinsmore, A. G. Yodh, and D. J. Pine
pp. 4827-4835 [View Page Images or PDF (1,634 kB)]
Wetting phenomena and the decay of correlations at fluid interfaces
J. R. Henderson
pp. 4836-4846 [View Page Images or PDF (2,417 kB)]
Brillouin scattering in glass-forming liquids: q-dependent linewidths and the generalized viscosity
H. Z. Cummins, C. Dreyfus, W. Götze, G. Li, and R. M. Pick
pp. 4847-4852 [View Page Images or PDF (793 kB)]
Practical method for calculation of multiple light scattering
Arthur E. Bailey and David S. Cannell
pp. 4853-4864 [View Page Images or PDF (2,208 kB)]
Spinodal decomposition in an order-disorder phase transition with elastic fields
Celeste Sagui, A. M. Somoza, and Rashmi C. Desai
pp. 4865-4879 [View Page Images or PDF (2,595 kB)]
Isostructural solid-solid transition in crystalline systems with short-ranged interaction
Peter Bolhuis, Maarten Hagen, and Daan Frenkel
pp. 4880-4890 [View Page Images or PDF (1,938 kB)]
Modified reptation model
Hans Christian Öttinger
pp. 4891-4895 [View Page Images or PDF (793 kB)]
Long-scale deformations of resonant three-dimensional patterns and the structure of confined dislocations
L. M. Pismen
pp. 4896-4900 [View Page Images or PDF (931 kB)]
Scaling theory for multipolymer coagulation
Yu Jiang
pp. 4901-4905 [View Page Images or PDF (592 kB)]

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, Dendritic Growth

Inhomogeneous nucleation in first-order phase transitions
D. Sept and J. A. Tuszyński
pp. 4906-4910 [View Page Images or PDF (749 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Stochastic dynamic simulation of the Boltzmann equation for electron swarms in glow discharges
Dimitris P. Lymberopoulos and Jay D. Schieber
pp. 4911-4919 [View Page Images or PDF (1,473 kB)]
Temporal behavior of x-ray radiation emitted by subpicosecond KrF-laser-heated carbon preplasmas
C. Wülker, W. Theobald, F. P. Schäfer, and J. S. Bakos
pp. 4920-4925 [View Page Images or PDF (1,022 kB)]
Fokker-Planck analysis of short-pulse laser heating in the hot-spot-model approximation
P. E. Pulsifer and K. G. Whitney
pp. 4926-4936 [View Page Images or PDF (1,821 kB)]
Reflectivity of cold magnetized plasmas
J. Ortner, V. M. Rylyuk, and I. M. Tkachenko
pp. 4937-4947 [View Page Images or PDF (1,639 kB)]
Free-energy model for fluid atomic helium at high density
Josep M. Aparicio and Gilles Chabrier
pp. 4948-4960 [View Page Images or PDF (2,163 kB)]
Heating of underdense plasmas by intense short-pulse lasers
A. Djaoui and A. A. Offenberger
pp. 4961-4968 [View Page Images or PDF (1,400 kB)]
Simulation of the secondary-electron distribution function by a Monte Carlo method
V. S. Malinovsky and A. V. Vasenkov
pp. 4969-4972 [View Page Images or PDF (558 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Free-electron-laser simulations: Effects of beam quality and space charge
J. Gardelle, J. Labrouche, P. Le Taillandier, and Ph. Gouard
pp. 4973-4981 [View Page Images or PDF (1,365 kB)]

Physics of beams

Transverse laser cooling induced through dispersion at an rf cavity
Hiromi Okamoto
pp. 4982-4996 [View Page Images or PDF (2,140 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Entropy production in multiple scattering of light by a spatially random medium
Christian Brosseau and Dominique Bicout
pp. 4997-5005 [View Page Images or PDF (1,705 kB)]
Scattering of guided waves in a waveguide with a slightly rough boundary: Stochastic functional approach
Hisanao Ogura and Zhi Liang Wang
pp. 5006-5016 [View Page Images or PDF (1,620 kB)]
Constraint on linear, homogeneous, constitutive relations
Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Werner S. Weiglhofer
pp. 5017-5019 [View Page Images or PDF (434 kB)]
Dark solitons in discrete lattices
Yuri S. Kivshar, Wiesław Królikowski, and Oksana A. Chubykalo
pp. 5020-5032 [View Page Images or PDF (2,090 kB)]

Biological Physics

DNA electrophoretic collisions with single obstacles
Grant I. Nixon and Gary W. Slater
pp. 5033-5038 [View Page Images or PDF (863 kB)]
Denaturation temperature of DNA
Jia-xin Xiao, Jia-tih Lin, and Bao-guo Tian
pp. 5039-5042 [View Page Images or PDF (508 kB)]
Nonmonotonic behavior of the capacity in phasor neural networks
D. Bollé and G. M. Shim
pp. 5043-5046 [View Page Images or PDF (535 kB)]
Theory of the structure factor of lipid bilayers
Ruitian Zhang, Robert M. Suter, and John F. Nagle
pp. 5047-5060 [View Page Images or PDF (2,229 kB)]
Entropies of biosequences: The role of repeats
Hanspeter Herzel, Werner Ebeling, and Armin O. Schmitt
pp. 5061-5071 [View Page Images or PDF (1,723 kB)]
Kinetic evidence for protein clustering at a surface
J. J. Ramsden, G. I. Bachmanova, and A. I. Archakov
pp. 5072-5076 [View Page Images or PDF (768 kB)]
Periodic forcing of a limit-cycle oscillator: Fixed points, Arnold tongues, and the global organization of bifurcations
Leon Glass and Jiong Sun
pp. 5077-5084 [View Page Images or PDF (1,239 kB)]
Statistical mechanical treatment of the structural hydration of biological macromolecules: Results for B-DNA
Gerhard Hummer and Dikeos Mario Soumpasis
pp. 5085-5095 [View Page Images or PDF (2,242 kB)]

Computational Physics

Parallel implementation of many-body mean-field equations
C. R. Chinn, A. S. Umar, M. Vallières, and M. R. Strayer
pp. 5096-5106 [View Page Images or PDF (2,240 kB)]


Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

General Methods of Statistical Physics

Time decay of excitations at quasi-one-dimensional trapping
I. A. Levitsky
pp. 5115-5118 [View Page Images or PDF (543 kB)]
Reaction dynamics controlled by enhanced diffusion
G. Zumofen and J. Klafter
pp. 5119-5122 [View Page Images or PDF (666 kB)]

Kinetic and Transport Theory, Fluid Structure

Density functional approach to solvent-induced interactions in neutral liquids: Comparison with experimental results
Chandra N. Patra and Swapan K. Ghosh
pp. 5123-5126 [View Page Images or PDF (647 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Relative velocity fluctuations in turbulence
S. K. P. Bhat, S. Rai, A. K. Razdan, and S. Chopra
pp. 5127-5129 [View Page Images or PDF (365 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Supersonic radiative heat waves in low-density high-Z material
J. Massen, G. D. Tsakiris, K. Eidmann, I. B. Földes, Th. Löwer, R. Sigel, S. Witkowski, H. Nishimura, T. Endo, H. Shiraga, M. Takagi, Y. Kato, and S. Nakai
pp. 5130-5133 [View Page Images or PDF (796 kB)]
Ion acoustic waves in plasmas with collisional electrons
V. Yu. Bychenkov, J. Myatt, W. Rozmus, and V. T. Tikhonchuk
pp. 5134-5137 [View Page Images or PDF (847 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Size segregation in a two-dimensional sandpile: Convection and arching effects
J. Duran, T. Mazozi, E. Clément, and J. Rajchenbach
pp. 5138-5141 [View Page Images or PDF (745 kB)]
Soliton stability in a bimodal optical fiber in the presence of the Raman effect
Boris A. Malomed
pp. 5142-5144 [View Page Images or PDF (491 kB)]


Erratum: Diffusion in equilibrium mixtures of ionized gases [Phys. Rev. E 48, 3594 (1993)]
A. B. Murphy
pp. 5145 [View Page Images or PDF (97 kB)]
Erratum: Dimension of branching processes and self-organized criticality
Ricardo García-Pelayo
pp. 5146 [View Page Images or PDF (45 kB)]